
Showing posts from January, 2021

Database system

  Database System A database system is a collection of data which fulfill the user requirement or solve the purpose for various user in a particular applications. The main characteristics of database system- It is integrated and it is shareable. The basic function or database system or facilities are: (1). It provide to create, modify and remove the database. (2). To store new information, to change (update) existing information  and remove (delete) information. (3). It provides data manipulation using mathematical and logical operator. (4). It provides to generate various report (permanently)/ adhoc (temporary). (5). It provides data integrity.

Standard Library And Header Files

 Standard Library                   And         Header Files The C++ language contains some statements only and not any built-in function. Rather, it provides standard library that contains files storing the standard functions (I/O functions, mathematical functions, string functions, character functions etc.). These files are known as Header files. Header files provide function prototypes, definitions of library functions, declarations of data types and constants used with the library functions. There are lots of header files in C++ standard library. A few of them have been listed below. 1. stdio.h This header file defines types and macros needed for the standard I/O package. 2. string.h This header file declares various string manipulation and memory manipulation routines. 3. math.h This header file declares various math functions and math error handlers. 4. stdlib.h This header file declares several common...

Program on c++

                              Programs on C++ Program  to input characters and change their case (From uppercase to lowercase or vice-versa). # include<iostream.h> #include<stdio.h> int main() { char ch; do { cout<<"Enter a character:"; ch=getchar(); if(ch=='\n') ch=getchar(); cout<<endl; if(ch>=65&&ch<=90) ch=ch+32; else if(ch>=97&&ch<=122) ch=ch-32; putchar(ch); cout<<endl; } while(ch!='0'); return 0; } Output: Enter a character : R       r Enter a character : a      A Enter a character : 0     0 Program to read a string and print its length. #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<iostream.h> int main() { char astr[51]; int lenght; cout<<"\nEnter a string (max 50characters)\n"; gets(astr); length=strlen(astr); puts(astr); cout<<"\nThe lenght of the string is:"<<length...


  History of C++ The c++ language was developed at AT &T Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup. The name C++ (pronounced C pluss plus) was coined by Risk Mascitti where "++" is the C increment operator. The major reason behind the success and popularity of C++ is that it supports the object oriented technology, the latest in the software development and the most near to the real world. C++ Basics.      This section talks about C++ building blocks, character set, variables, constans, basic input-output statement, decision statement, iteration statement etc. C++ Character Set A character set is a set of valid characters that a language can recognise. A character represents any letters, digit, or any other sign. C++ has the following character set: Letters                          A-Z, a-z Digits.                        ...