
 History of C++

The c++ language was developed at AT &T Bell Laboratories in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup. The name C++ (pronounced C pluss plus) was coined by Risk Mascitti where "++" is the C increment operator.

The major reason behind the success and popularity of C++ is that it supports the object oriented technology, the latest in the software development and the most near to the real world.

C++ Basics.     

This section talks about C++ building blocks, character set, variables, constans, basic input-output statement, decision statement, iteration statement etc.

C++ Character Set

A character set is a set of valid characters that a language can recognise. A character represents any letters, digit, or any other sign. C++ has the following character set:

Letters                          A-Z, a-z

Digits.                           0-9

Special Symbols        space + - * / ^ \ ( ) { } = . , $ ; : % & ? _(underscore)  <= >= @ < > ! #

White space              Blank space, Horizontal tab(➡️) Carriage return(↩️), Newline, Form feed.

Other characters     C++ can process any of the 256ASCII characters as data or as literals.


The smallest individuals unit in a program is known as a Tokens. C++ has the following tokens:

Keywords, identifiers, Literals,punctuators, and operator.


The keywords are the words that convey a special meaning to the language compiler.


An identifiers is the name given by user for a unit of the program.An identifiers can contains letters and digits.The first character must be a letters; the underscore_ counts as a letter. Upper- and lower- case letters are different. All Characters are significant.


Literals (often referred to as constants) are data items that never change their value during a program run.


The following characters are used as punctuators(also known as separators) in C++

{ } ( ) [ ] , ; : * ... = #


Operators are the symbol which provide the information to the operand, which types of operation is performed.

                                                              👉👉 DON'T 







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