Standard Library And Header Files

 Standard Library                   And 

       Header Files

The C++ language contains some statements only and not any built-in function. Rather, it provides standard library that contains files storing the standard functions (I/O functions, mathematical functions, string functions, character functions etc.). These files are known as Header files. Header files provide function prototypes, definitions of library functions, declarations of data types and constants used with the library functions. There are lots of header files in C++ standard library.

A few of them have been listed below.

1. stdio.h

This header file defines types and macros needed for the standard I/O package.

2. string.h

This header file declares various string manipulation and memory manipulation routines.

3. math.h

This header file declares various math functions and math error handlers.

4. stdlib.h

This header file declares several commonly used routines like conversion routines, search/sort routines, and other miscellaneous things.

5. iostream.h

This header file declares basic C++ stream I/O routines.

6. iomanip.h

This header file declares stream I/O manipulators and contains macros for creating parameterised manipulators.

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